Peace. Heal. Love Wellbeing Centre

Peace. Heal. Love is a Wellbeing Centre offering you Peace, healing and Love for you and your pet.

Holistic therapy and healing with Rebecca and Mark. Reiki, Bowen, Canine Bowen and Animal Acupuncture near Stamford, UK

 Reiki for people

Reiki is an ancient form of healing that was founded in Japan. It allows the 'sender' to connect with a 'recipient' offering spiritual life force, energy. We are all made up of energy. The system of Reiki is connecting to that energy, rebalancing and dusting off the layers that cover up the inner light we all have within us.

Reiki helps on emotional, physical, spiritual and mental levels by uncovering those layers we acquire in life such as worry, stress, pain and anger. Physical problems can be caused by emotional manifestations, Reiki can address the cause of the problem by opening the mind, creating harmony, unblocking meridian lines and reconnecting to our true selves.  

As running water smoothes the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing pain and supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reiki restores balance in one's life. 

Reiki can be given anywhere, at any time and no special equipment is needed. We have Reiki sessions with people in our serene barn to enhance relaxation and offer home visits for animals.

At Peace. Heal. Love we practice and teach traditional Japanese Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho. 


How does Reiki work?
It taps into spiritual life force and that energy is shared between the practitioner and recipient. 

What do I have to do during the treatment?
The most important thing is that you are comfortable, if you can you will lie on a massage table. If this is not possible, you can sit. Reiki passes through clothes so there is no need to undress. Some people talk whilst most people choose to close their eyes and relax going into their own meditations.

How long will it last?
Treatments last for one hour.

Will the practitioner touch me?
I usually gently place my hands on the body in a non intrusive sequence of hand positions throughout the whole body, holding each position for a few minutes but I can easily work in the space above the body so there is no need to touch you if you wish. It is all about you being comfortable so you can relax.

It is attached to religion?
There is no faith or belief system attached to Reiki. People from all cultures, philosophies and religions successfully use it, as it is an ancient healing form.

Does the practitioner get tired due to all the energy given?
Quite the opposite, Reiki energises, we connect and share energies and this can only be a positive thing.

What do I get from Reiki? You get whatever your body, mind and spirit needs and wants from Reiki, wherever your imbalances or ailments are the energy will go, for your highest good.

How will I feel afterwards?
Hopefully energised, sometimes people feel a little light headed but mostly relaxed. It is an individual experience. Reiki can release emotions and calm minds.

What does Reiki feel like?
It is different for each person. Some people feel changes in temperature, heat is common, some feel electricity, tickling sensations, some see colours.

Will I be tired afterwards?
This is individual also, hopefully you will feel energised and relaxed.

Reiki for Animals

Reiki for animals is a meditative approach. B practices a hands off ‘Let the animals Lead’ TM approach as taught by her teacher Kathleen Prasad. B strongly believes in letting the animals choose to ‘receive’ Reiki, giving them the choice and offering Reiki in this way is a powerful state to be in for both B and the animal. Pets such as Dogs, Cats and Rabbits and Horses, Donkeys, Sheep, Cows, Goats, Alpacas…. can all benefit.

A meditative approach with animals creates a Reiki space in which to share with the animals. Whether they have an illness or not, Reiki can help them, balance them, relieve stress and tension. Reiki can reduce pain, reduce effects of trauma, emotionally and physically and Reiki can promote wellness in healthy animals. You are entering into a partnership with the animal and as such, benefit from its magic as well!

As a Veterinary nurse, I have worked with animals for stress, for illness and injury, for their operations and into recovery. As a Reiki Practitioner I have witnessed beauty and been taught by many animal teachers how to deepen my practice in order to maximise a Reiki session.

Our own dogs are little Reiki sponges and our cat will appear as soon as the Reiki energy starts to flow!

Reiki Animal Home visits are available in and around Stamford, Lincolnshire and Distance Reiki sessions are available for your Animal Friend please contact us for more information. 

B teaches the Let Animals lead TM method as taught by her teacher and friend Kathleen Prasad.

 Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, 
and the grass grows by itself. 
Zen saying

Animal Reiki

We work inside the circle of this mapped area below for home visit Animal Reiki:

Out of area appointments are possible for an extra charge, please ask for more information