Peace. Heal. Love Wellbeing Centre

Peace. Heal. Love is a Wellbeing Centre offering you Peace, healing and Love for you and your pet.

Holistic therapy and healing with Rebecca and Mark. Reiki, Bowen, Canine Bowen and Animal Acupuncture near Stamford, UK


Breathwork journey with Lifefire breathing

We are excited to offer Breathwork at PHL with Lifefire Breathing. We have an amazing guide, Shakila to hold us through this and this experience.

Breathing is the most natural autonomic activity we perform from the moment we arrive to this life & is the very last thing we do in this lifetime.

Not only is breath the actual giver of life, it is a way in which we connect with our inner selves, our higher selves, our true potential & unlimited destinies.

By breathing consciously we create pure magic.

LifeFire specialises in Conscious Connected Breath (active circular breathing) which changes our physiology, inviting the shifting & clearing of energies creating space for healing. We can’t be prescriptive about what we heal; the magic of breath brings you whatever you need most in the moment, be it spiritual, emotional, physical.

LifeFire Breathing grew out of healing from deep trauma & losing connection with self & life. Regular breath practice opened a new world of connection, self love, inner peace, integrity, self discovery & enquiry, & authenticity. Breathwork doesn’t wait to bring you home, it supports you immediately and regular practice is transformational.

LifeFire’s passion is facilitating your transformation from wherever you are today to being the best version of yourself, breath by breath.

Growth through healing is our deepest love.

Breathing consciously improves overall health, well-being & development of spiritual, mental, emotional & physical bodies.

We facilitate you connecting to your soul magic to heal yourself; you already have everything you need within you to achieve this.

Together we access that through the mystical power of breath.

LifeFire Breathing holds space for you to become a stronger, more resilient, connected, thoughtful, aware, loving, accepting version of yourself.

This class is 2 hours.

When we breathe together we are consciously co-creating a warm, safe space together and part of that safety is physical - do you have any of these contraindications:

First trimester pregnancies

high blood pressure

glaucoma or detached retina

Cardiovascular disease

Diagnosed brain or abdomen aneurysm


Diagnosed bi-polar or schizophrenia

Controlled diabetes or thyroid conditions.

If yes let Shakila know as some can be accommodated and some are non-negotiable. Waivers will be on the mat on the day which must be signed.

Conscious Connected Breathing is deep work and not a replacement for medical advice so please check with your medical professional if you’re unsure.  

The invitation is to trust yourself knowing you’ll be divinely guided to what’s needed in the moment, whether that’s gentle and beautiful, or a difficult release or unveiling, in the physical, spiritual, metaphysical or emotional bodies.

If you’re asthmatic bring your inhaler - asthma isn’t a contra-indication; Shakila’s asthmatic and has found regular practice extremely helpful.  

Shakila will facilitate embodiment which may be ecstatic dance, humming or a meditation while you call in your intentions, 1 hour Conscious Connected Breathing followed by time for grounding and integration, a walk in the garden (weather dependent), then shares and a soothing brew together.

Contact Shakila with any questions before booking via email:

See you in the barn!